Research activities
Research activities at the Department of Computer Science range from loosely-defined programmes of research, or families of related projects, to established research centres and groups. To promote effective collaboration, each activity has a leader or head– who may also be the designated contact for the activity. Many activities organise seminars and weekly meetings–some of which may be open to external participants. Current activities within the Department of Computer Science are listed below, in order of primary theme (and then alphabetically).
Algorithmic Game Theory | Algorithms At Large | Computational Complexity | Constraints Group | Core Algorithms
Automated Verification
Concurrency | Hardware Verification | Model Checking | PRISM | Probabilistic Model Checking | Probabilistic Verification for Systems Biology | Quantitative Analysis and Verification | RECOUNT | Security | Software Model Checking | Verification
Computational Biology
Bioinformatics group | Cardiac Physiology | Computational Biology group | Computational Heart Modelling | Computational Physiology | Respiratory Modelling
Foundations, Logic and Structures
Compositional Distributional Models of Meaning | Dynamic Epistemic Logic | Game Semantics and its Applications | Philosophy of Information | Quantomatic | Quantum Group
Information Systems
Computational Linguistics | Databases | Knowledge Representation and Reasoning | Machine Learning | RoboCup 2D | Spatial Reasoning
Programming Languages
abc | Algebra of Programming | Functional Programming | Metacomputation | Programming Tools
Cyber Security Centre | Software and Systems Security | Trusted Computing
Software Engineering
Clinical Informatics | Human Centred Computing | Information Modelling | Models and technologies for secure data sharing | Requirements Engineering | Research Informatics | Sensor Networks | Systems Security