webinos Project: Publications
Book chapters
Developing secure‚ unified multi−device and multi−domain platforms: A case study from the webinos project
Andrea Atzeni‚ John Lyle and Shamal Faily
In Architectures and Protocols for Secure Information Technology. IGI Global. 2013.
To Appear
Details about Developing secure‚ unified multi−device and multi−domain platforms: A case study from the webinos project | BibTeX data for Developing secure‚ unified multi−device and multi−domain platforms: A case study from the webinos project
Tool−support Premortems with Attack and Security Patterns
Shamal Faily‚ John Lyle and Simon Parkin
In First International Workshop on Cyberpatterns: Unifying Design Patterns with Security‚ Attack and Forensic Patterns. Pages 10–11. 2012.
Details about Tool−support Premortems with Attack and Security Patterns | BibTeX data for Tool−support Premortems with Attack and Security Patterns
Conference papers
Policies in Context: Factors Influencing the Elicitation and Categorisation of Context−Sensitive Security Policies
Shamal Faily‚ John Lyle‚ Ivan Flechais‚ Andrea Atzeni‚ Cesare Cameroni‚ Hans Myrhaug‚ Ayse Goker and Robert Kleinfeld
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Home Usable Privacy and Security. 2013.
Details about Policies in Context: Factors Influencing the Elicitation and Categorisation of Context−Sensitive Security Policies | BibTeX data for Policies in Context: Factors Influencing the Elicitation and Categorisation of Context−Sensitive Security Policies
Security Patterns Considered Harmful?
Shamal Faily
In Proceedings of The Second International Workshop on Cyberpatterns: Unifying Design Patterns with Security‚ Attack and Forensic Patterns. 2013.
To Appear
Details about Security Patterns Considered Harmful? | BibTeX data for Security Patterns Considered Harmful?
Guidelines for Integrating Personas into Software Engineering Tools
Shamal Faily and John Lyle
In Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems. Pages 69–74. 2013.
Details about Guidelines for Integrating Personas into Software Engineering Tools | BibTeX data for Guidelines for Integrating Personas into Software Engineering Tools
Designing Interactive Secure Systems: CHI 2013 Special Interest Group
Shamal Faily‚ Lizzie Coles−Kemp‚ Paul Dunphy‚ Mike Just‚ Yoko Akama and Alexander De Luca
In CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM. 2013.
To Appear
Details about Designing Interactive Secure Systems: CHI 2013 Special Interest Group | BibTeX data for Designing Interactive Secure Systems: CHI 2013 Special Interest Group | Download (pdf) of Designing Interactive Secure Systems: CHI 2013 Special Interest Group
Extending the web to support personal network services
John Lyle‚ Shamal Faily‚ Claes Nilsson and Anders Isberg
In (To appear) In the Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC '13). 2013.
Details about Extending the web to support personal network services | BibTeX data for Extending the web to support personal network services | Download (pdf) of Extending the web to support personal network services
Model−driven architectural risk analysis using architectural and contextualised attack patterns
Shamal Faily‚ John Lyle‚ Cornelius Namiluko‚ Andrea Atzeni and Cesare Cameroni
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Model−Driven Security. Pages 3:1–3:6. ACM. 2012.
Details about Model−driven architectural risk analysis using architectural and contextualised attack patterns | BibTeX data for Model−driven architectural risk analysis using architectural and contextualised attack patterns | Download (pdf) of Model−driven architectural risk analysis using architectural and contextualised attack patterns
Requirements Sensemaking using Concept Maps
Shamal Faily‚ John Lyle‚ Andre Paul‚ Andrea Atzeni‚ Dieter Blomme‚ Heiko Desruelle and Krishna Bangalore
In HCSE'2012: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Human−Centered Software Engineering. Pages 217–232. Springer. 2012.
Details about Requirements Sensemaking using Concept Maps | BibTeX data for Requirements Sensemaking using Concept Maps | Download (pdf) of Requirements Sensemaking using Concept Maps
Software for Interactive Secure Systems Design: Lessons Learned Developing and Applying CAIRIS
Shamal Faily and Ivan Flechais
In Proceedings of BCS HCI 2012 Workshops: Designing Interactive Secure Systems. Pages 3:1–3:4. 2012.
Details about Software for Interactive Secure Systems Design: Lessons Learned Developing and Applying CAIRIS | BibTeX data for Software for Interactive Secure Systems Design: Lessons Learned Developing and Applying CAIRIS | Download (pdf) of Software for Interactive Secure Systems Design: Lessons Learned Developing and Applying CAIRIS
Secure System? Challenge Accepted: Finding and Resolving Security Failures Using Security Premortems
Shamal Faily‚ John Lyle and Simon Parkin
In Proceedings of BCS HCI 2012 Workshops: Designing Interactive Secure Systems. Pages 5:1–5:4. 2012.
Details about Secure System? Challenge Accepted: Finding and Resolving Security Failures Using Security Premortems | BibTeX data for Secure System? Challenge Accepted: Finding and Resolving Security Failures Using Security Premortems | Download (pdf) of Secure System? Challenge Accepted: Finding and Resolving Security Failures Using Security Premortems
Personal PKI for the smart device era
John Lyle‚ Andrew Paverd‚ Justin King−Lacroix‚ Andrea Atzeni‚ Habib Virji‚ Ivan Flechais and Shamal Faily
In 9th European PKI Workshop: Research and Applications. 2012.
Details about Personal PKI for the smart device era | BibTeX data for Personal PKI for the smart device era | Download (pdf) of Personal PKI for the smart device era
On the design and development of webinos: a distributed mobile application middleware
John Lyle‚ Shamal Faily‚ Ivan Flechais‚ Andre Paul‚ Ayse Goker‚ Hans Myrhaug‚ Heiko Desruelle and Andrew Martin
In Proceedings of the 12th IFIP WG 6.1 international conference on Distributed applications and interoperable systems. Pages 140–147. 2012.
Details about On the design and development of webinos: a distributed mobile application middleware | BibTeX data for On the design and development of webinos: a distributed mobile application middleware | Download (pdf) of On the design and development of webinos: a distributed mobile application middleware
Cross−platform access control for mobile web applications
John Lyle‚ Salvatore Monteleone‚ Shamal Faily‚ Davide Patti and Fabio Ricciato
In Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY)‚ 2012 IEEE International Symposium on. Pages 37–44. 2012.
Details about Cross−platform access control for mobile web applications | BibTeX data for Cross−platform access control for mobile web applications | Download (pdf) of Cross−platform access control for mobile web applications
Analysing Chindogu: Applying Defamiliarisation to Security Design
Shamal Faily
In CHI 2012 Workshop on Defamiliarisation in Innovation and Usability. 2012.
Details about Analysing Chindogu: Applying Defamiliarisation to Security Design | BibTeX data for Analysing Chindogu: Applying Defamiliarisation to Security Design | Download (pdf) of Analysing Chindogu: Applying Defamiliarisation to Security Design
The webinos project
Christian Fuhrhop‚ John Lyle and Shamal Faily
In Proceedings of the 21st international conference companion on World Wide Web. Pages 259–262. ACM. 2012.
Details about The webinos project | BibTeX data for The webinos project | Download (pdf) of The webinos project
Bridging User−Centered Design and Requirements Engineering with GRL and Persona Cases
Shamal Faily
In Proceedings of the 5th International i* Workshop. Pages 114–119. 2011.
Details about Bridging User−Centered Design and Requirements Engineering with GRL and Persona Cases | BibTeX data for Bridging User−Centered Design and Requirements Engineering with GRL and Persona Cases | Download (pdf) of Bridging User−Centered Design and Requirements Engineering with GRL and Persona Cases
“Do we know each other or is it just our Devices?”: A Federated Context Model for Describing Social Activity Across Devices
George Gionis‚ Heiko Desruelle‚ Dieter Blomme‚ John Lyle‚ Shamal Faily and Louay Bassbouss
In W3C/PrimeLife Federated Social Web Europe Conference 2011. June, 2011.
Details about “Do we know each other or is it just our Devices?”: A Federated Context Model for Describing Social Activity Across Devices | BibTeX data for “Do we know each other or is it just our Devices?”: A Federated Context Model for Describing Social Activity Across Devices | Download (pdf) of “Do we know each other or is it just our Devices?”: A Federated Context Model for Describing Social Activity Across Devices
Eliciting Usable Security Requirements with Misusability Cases
Shamal Faily and Ivan Flechais
In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference. Pages 339–340. IEEE Computer Society. 2011.
Pre−print available at http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/files/4125/PID1921187.pdf
Details about Eliciting Usable Security Requirements with Misusability Cases | BibTeX data for Eliciting Usable Security Requirements with Misusability Cases | Download (pdf) of Eliciting Usable Security Requirements with Misusability Cases | DOI (10.1109/RE.2011.6051665)
Here's Johnny: a Methodology for Developing Attacker Personas
Andrea Atzeni‚ Shamal Faily‚ John Lyle‚ Cesare Cameroni and Ivan Flechais
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Availability‚ Reliability and Security. Pages 722–727. 2011.
Details about Here's Johnny: a Methodology for Developing Attacker Personas | BibTeX data for Here's Johnny: a Methodology for Developing Attacker Personas | Download (pdf) of Here's Johnny: a Methodology for Developing Attacker Personas